Security Driver: Advanced Driving & Security
By Anthony Ricci
In the northeast we have seen unprecedented rainfall and flooding this year, destroying ski areas and local roads and leaving many a driver stranded. Heavy rains definitely make a driver’s tasks much more difficult. Visibility is decreased; traction is reduced, not to mention foggy windows and being uncomfortable and often times being restricted in dripping wet clothing. Before getting into your vehicle at the start of your day, ask yourself some important questions about operating the vehicle and the environment.
Surviving Wet Weather
First, do a self-assessment like, does rain usually get you down? You’re not alone. People are distracted by the stress of driving in heavy rains. Thus, their attitudes and behavior contribute to the accident rates. We need to keep a more positive attitude to deal with the rest of the world’s problems. Second, assess the vehicle you are about to get into. What is the condition of the vehicle and more importantly, it’s tires? Did you check the tire pressure? Is the tread pattern designed well enough to displace water? Are the treads more than half worn? Some of the newer, more performance-oriented vehicles have wider profile tires with narrow sidewalls which are not ideal in heavy rain. Are the tires all-weather or a high-performance tread pattern? How heavy is the vehicle? Are the wiper blades worn and do they operate effectively? Does the defogger work and do you know how to set it based on the temperature outside s...