When it Comes to COVID-19, Beware of Digital Infections, Too!

By David Gerwitz

As we approach our seventh month of the COVID-19 crisis,
we’re beginning to settle into a bit of a bizarre routine of pandemic societal
behavior. Whether it’s the fight over masks, the folks who believe it’s all a
hoax because they don’t personally know anyone who died, or the scammers who’ve
set up shop to milk the panic of the victims.  

These pandemic times are starting to seem like business as usual.

While we can’t solve the challenges created by all of human nature in this one article, we can take a look at one problem area: pandemic-related scams. We don’t have space to cover the details of all that’s happening out there, so I’ll just give you a quick rundown of some recent FBI announcements related to COVID-19 scams and criminal activity:

FBI Sees Spike in Fraudulent Unemployment Insurance Claims Filed Using Stolen Identities FBI Warns of Potential Fraud in Antibody Testing for COVID-19 FBI Warns of Child Sexual Abuse Material Being Displayed During Zoom Meetings People’s Republic of China (PRC) Targeting of COVID-19 Research Organizations FBI Warns of Advance Fee Schemes Related to Procurement of PPE and Other Supplies During COVID-19 Pandemic FBI Expects a Rise in Scams Involving Cryptocurrency Related to the COVID-19 Pandemic FBI Warns of Emerging Health Care Fraud Schemes Related to COVID-19 Pandemic FBI Warns of Money Mule Schemes Exploiting the COVID-19 Pandemic FBI Anticipates Rise in Business Email Compromise Schemes Related...