Security Driver: What Habits Do You Want To Change?
By Anthony Ricci, President ADSI
Several years back I wrote an article on complacency and drivers becoming creatures of habit. I also did many lectures on changing habits and modifying behaviors to become unpredictable in a security sense or to modify behaviors while driving to be more vigilant while behind the wheel. We all need to self- assess our daily performances and make changes that will allow us to be more productive and perform better. Whether Security Driver, Executive Protection Agent, LEO or any other any other profession, making positive changes based on past performances or just environmental changes are very important.
Unfortunately, people are all creatures of habit, and we start to follow a routine, these routines may start off with good intentions or they may save a bit of time, but in the end they may cost you dearly since a small trickle of water today may create a huge river if the water never is allowed to change its path of travel. Day after day of the same routine makes you predictable as a Security Team and bad habits can create mistakes and huge consequences.
While Christmas shopping, I came across a great workbook based off Charles Duhigg’s New York Times Best Seller “the Power of Habit” book. This workbook is a 12-month weekly planner that will help you change bad habits and make note of your daily performance. The book itself was excellent but I was happy to see the workbook and of course picked it up as a new self-reflection book.