Two Quick, Free And Fun Cybersecurity Refresher Courses

by David Gewirtz

Amazon, in partnership with nonprofit National Cybersecurity Alliance, is now offering a couple of free cybersecurity awareness training programs that you can take and share among your co-workers, teams, and any individuals you think might need a bit more of a clue. According to Amazon, this is “the same cybersecurity awareness training the company’s employees use.”

To be clear, neither of these programs is particularly comprehensive or even complete. But what they lack in comprehensiveness, they make up for in quick accessibility. Each course can be completed in roughly 15 minutes.

So, what do you get from these courses? The first one, The Amazon Cybersecurity Awareness Training (or ACA Training) provides a set of ten quizzes that help reinforce basics of corporate security.

Should you ever give another employee your badge? Should you leave your laptop in an unlocked car, even if you’re only gone for a few minutes? Should you click a link in a text from an unknown number? These are simple questions (and the answer to all of them is a resounding, “No!”, but it never hurts to reinforce basic thinking about practical security. And for a mere 15 minute investment, it doesn’t hurt to remind your team members about how to think about basic security concerns.

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The second training is called Internet Bodyguard Training and is all about phishing and multi-factor authentication. This one consist...